No More Mowing

You will save money every week not having to buy lawnmower fuel, oil, and gas. You also won’t have to spend money on weed killer, fertilizer, and new grass seed.

Turf components contain plastics, synthetics, and rubber that don’t decompose so they will end up in landfills when it is time to replace it. However, proper drainage planning and installation will minimize this impact.

1. It’s Eco-Friendly

Artificial turf is an eco-friendly landscaping choice because it eliminates the need for gasoline-powered lawn equipment. Lawn mowers use fossil fuels and emit harmful pollutants into the air, while weed whackers are also a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. With the help of a few basic maintenance steps, eco-friendly artificial grass reduces your environmental footprint and contributes to lower utility costs.

The water savings associated with artificial turf are significant, particularly in drought-prone areas. It is estimated that the average American lawn uses 10,000 gallons of water per year, and replacing it with synthetic turf can save that amount or more. This helps to reduce your water bills and reduces the need for timed sprinkler systems that run regardless of whether it is needed.

Additionally, the lack of need for fertilizers and pesticides makes artificial turf an eco-friendly landscaping option. These chemicals are harmful to the environment and wildlife, as well as human beings. Artificial turf eliminates the need for these chemical products and instead relies on organic matter and natural fertilizers for nutrients, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

Another way that synthetic turf is eco-friendly is by eliminating the need for grass clippings. These clippings can contribute to landfills and end up in storm drains, which can contaminate the environment. Grass clippings can also make their way into water bodies, causing harm to fish and other wildlife. Artificial turf removes the need for this waste and keeps them out of the landfills and storm drains.

A final way that artificial turf is eco-friendly is through the material used in its production. While it is often made from plastics, it can be created with bio-based polymers and ingredients such as soybean oil to reduce its carbon footprint. Many manufacturers also produce their artificial turf with recycled materials to increase its sustainability.

In addition, once a lawn is replaced with turf, it no longer supports the flora and fauna of the area. This can affect local ecosystems, as well as the ability of soil to capture carbon and help mitigate climate change. With the help of a little work, you can return your yard to nature and support hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, frogs, and other wildlife that are struggling due to habitat loss and climate change.

2. It’s Long-Lasting

Artificial turf is an environmentally responsible alternative to natural grass, reducing carbon emissions from gas-powered lawn equipment, saving thousands of gallons of water annually, and eliminating the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. While there is a higher initial cost for installation, high-quality synthetic turf can save homeowners and businesses money over the long-term.

In addition to the ongoing utility savings, a well-maintained artificial lawn can reduce the need for expensive landscaping equipment like mowers and trimmers. This can save on repair costs, fuel expenses and replacement parts. By reducing maintenance expenses, synthetic grass can pay for itself within 7.5 years, and continue to save money over its lifetime.

The longevity of artificial turf is a major benefit, especially for fields and gyms that have a lot of foot traffic. High-quality synthetic turf is built to last, with a typical lifespan of 8-10 years. It can even last up to a lifetime with proper care and routine cleanings.

A great way to extend the life of your artificial lawn is to re-use or recycle the infill material. Infill material typically consists of sand or silicon mixtures, and is needed to keep the blades upright and provide a cushioning effect. Infill should be refilled every 5 to 7 years, and sooner if the turf starts to look limp or flattened. Regular inspections can help you spot this early on, and reusing the infill can save you the cost of new materials and installation.

Synthetic turf doesn’t require growth, so it won’t need to be mowed as frequently. This can save field owners a substantial amount of time, and allow them to spend more time on other things.

While many people may be concerned about the amount of waste generated by turf, it is important to note that the majority of these products are made from plastics, synthetics and rubber, and won’t decompose. While some manufacturers have implemented recycling programs, most of the used turf ends up rolled up and sent to landfills or haphazardly dumped in fields or vacant lots, where it continues to break down and pollute the environment.

3. It’s Low-Maintenance

Artificial turf is a great option for homeowners who want a beautiful yard without the hassle of caring for it. In addition to avoiding watering expenses, you’ll save on lawn care equipment, fertilizers, and pest control costs. You’ll also save on gas costs by not having to mow your yard.

Artificial grass can withstand heavy foot traffic and harsh weather conditions, making it a safe choice for children and pets. However, it is important to remove debris promptly (leaves, twigs, pet waste, etc.) and rinse the turf on a regular basis to avoid clogging the drainage system. In addition, odors from pet waste can be eliminated by spraying the turf with an odor-neutralizing product and allowing solid waste to dry before removing it.

In addition, stains like food spills, bird droppings, and even mud can leave marks on the synthetic grass. Using a combination of water and mild detergent is an effective way to clean these stains. It’s also a good idea to tackle stains as soon as they occur, so they don’t have time to set.

Another important factor to consider is that artificial turf doesn’t have the same environmental impact as natural grass, so it isn’t a good option for those looking to restore the habitats of wild animals. In fact, it can actually lead to a decrease in wildlife, as they may not find what they need to survive on your property. This is why many people choose to install native plants in their yards to attract local birds, bees, frogs, and butterflies. While this will still require some maintenance, it’s a much better alternative to killing wildlife and polluting the environment with chemicals.

4. It’s Affordable

The initial costs of artificial turf may seem expensive at first at $2 to $5 per square foot, just for turf, but the savings you’ll see on water and lawn care costs will more than make up for these expenses. Grass requires frequent watering, mowing, fertilizer and pest control, all of which add up to a significant sum every year for homeowners. The same can be said for commercial properties, making the switch to artificial grass more financially appealing.

Watering is a major expense for residential and commercial properties, especially in dry climates like Phoenix. By installing turf, you’ll cut down on your water usage and save thousands in recurring landscaping costs over the life of the turf. Additionally, synthetic lawns don’t require the use of expensive lawn equipment or gasoline to operate, saving you money on the cost of these items and the repair and maintenance fees associated with them.

Another way that artificial turf will help you save is by preventing weeds and other unwanted plants from growing in your yard. A weed barrier, which is typically placed under your turf, will prevent weeds and other vegetation from sprouting in your yard, saving you the costs of mowing, pulling or spraying chemicals to get rid of them.

When installed by a reputable company, artificial turf will withstand heavy foot traffic and rough weather conditions without lasting damage or discoloration. This makes it perfect for playgrounds, sports fields and other areas that are frequently used by children, pets or athletes. In addition, shock pads can be added to the turf to reduce injuries from falls and other impacts while also reducing maintenance costs by prolonging the lifespan of the artificial grass.

Whether you own a small backyard or large park, the initial investment in artificial turf will pay for itself within a few years with the amount of money you’ll save on water bills and landscapers’ fees. If you have a commercial property, the savings are even more substantial as artificial grass will allow you to rent out your space for activities like farmer markets and marching bands, adding extra revenue to your business.