Sadaqah is an expression of faith and empathy in Islam, where believers give voluntary contributions to better the lives of those in distress. It extends beyond monetary donations to include any act of giving that benefits another, be it time, effort, or resources. This charitable practice reinforces social cohesion and ensures that no member of the community is left in hardship.

You can also give Sadaqah Jariyah by contributing to projects that will continue to benefit others after your death, such as building a water well or planting resourceful trees.

Water Wells

Millions of people worldwide live without a reliable source of clean water. They are often forced to travel long distances to obtain it from unclean sources, which can exacerbate disease and impair general health. Wells provide a long-term, sustainable solution that allows communities to access safe drinking water. They can also help boost agricultural productivity and improve local economies.

This type of charity can make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it, especially for those suffering from hunger or poverty. A donation of $75 can secure food supplies for an entire family in countries affected by war, drought, or natural disaster. It can help poor families break the vicious cycle of hunger and poverty and ensure that their children get the nourishment they need to grow strong and healthy.

Aside from monetary donations, there are many other ways to contribute to charity. Providing medical care, sheltering the homeless, distributing food, or even just sharing a smile can all have a great impact on people’s lives. Another form of charity that is considered Sadaqah Jariyah — an ongoing charity that brings continuous benefits to the community – is constructing water wells and hand pumps for those in need.

While donating to charity is a great way to help those in need, it’s important to donate to reputable organizations that are committed to transparency and accountability. You can find out more about the charity you’re supporting and how your money is being used by visiting their website or contacting them directly.

When you perform a good deed for the sake of Allah, He will reward you for it. In addition to earning His pleasure and erasing sins, it can also benefit you in this world and the next. Allah will protect you from calamities and ease your suffering. He will also bless you with abundance in wealth and increase your life span, as well as purify your soul and remove the love of money from your heart.


If we take a closer look at the meaning of Sadaqah, it is more than just monetary charity. It embodies an essence deeply rooted within the Islamic faith and encapsulates key principles such as compassion, social justice and community welfare. While obligatory zakat promotes wealth distribution and helps reduce disparities, voluntary Sadaqah expands kindness beyond obligation and fosters empathy and humility.

Many people around the world lack access to basic needs like food and clean water. By donating to Islamic Relief, you can help provide these vital resources and give people a chance at a better future. This is one of the ways in which your Sadaqah can benefit others and ensure that your deeds are multiplied for you on the day of judgement.

Education is a fundamental component of a prosperous society and can transform the lives of those who receive it. Your Sadaqah can support projects that help children receive a quality education, including school buildings and textbooks. This can help them develop the skills they need to succeed in their future careers, and will ensure that they have access to a solid foundation of knowledge.

It is important to teach children about the importance of giving back and helping those less fortunate than themselves. This can be done through encouraging them to donate their toys and clothes to charity or by involving them in charity events. Taking part in child sponsorship can also be an effective way of teaching children the importance of giving back, especially since they are likely to see the effects of their actions firsthand.

The rewards for a charitable act are high and can be multiplied depending on how it is done. Smiling at someone is considered a type of Sadaqah, as the Prophet (saw) used to do it often. If you want to maximise the benefits of your Sadaqah, you should strive for ihsan, which means doing it with the best intentions and without expecting anything in return.

By investing in the lives of those who need it most, you are helping to build a stronger, more cohesive global community. Your Sadaqah can provide life-saving essentials, such as food and shelter, and give hope to families in unforeseen circumstances. Your contribution will be rewarded even after your death, as this is amongst the highest acts of worship.


The lack of shelter is a critical issue for many families. Sadaqah donations can help to build homes and community facilities, giving those in need the opportunity for better living conditions.

Water Wells

Millions of people lack access to clean, safe drinking water. Donations to water projects, such as water wells and other infrastructure, can help to provide clean drinking water for vulnerable communities.


Providing education is a vital way to empower communities to make their own choices, improve quality of life and develop sustainable livelihoods. Donations to schools and education projects can transform lives, bringing people out of poverty and giving them the skills to thrive in the modern world.


Supporting healthcare is a key aspect of a healthy society. Donations to hospitals and clinics provide medical care for those who cannot afford it. It also helps to train local health workers, and support research and development.

Changing Lives

Donating to charity is a path to spiritual elevation and increased wealth. It cleanses one’s wealth and soul of greed and selfishness, fostering a spirit of generosity and empathy. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “give zakat as soon as you have something.” By giving sadaqah, you are making a difference in the lives of people who need it most, while earning rewards for yourself in both this life and the next.

Building a Better World

Sadaqah has the power to change the world and bring long-term change for all of humanity. It can break the cycle of poverty, nurture hope and draw you closer to Allah (swt). With Bonyan, your Sadaqah becomes a lifeline for communities shattered by conflict, disaster and climate change and earns you ongoing rewards in both this lifetime and the next.

Remember that Sadaqah is not limited to money and can include any kind of good deed. This could be as simple as smiling at someone, or helping a neighbour with their shopping. It could be removing stones, thorns and bones from the paths of others, or helping to guide people when they are lost.


Many people in the world struggle to get essential healthcare, especially during a crisis or war. When you give sadaqah, you can support medical teams working to provide lifesaving treatment and care for vulnerable communities in need. Your donation can help give families hope in their darkest moments, bringing them relief and a chance at a better life.

Sadaqah is a key element of Islam, which is a religion that puts great value on charitable deeds. It differs from obligatory zakat in that it is a form of voluntary charity, but it’s no less impactful and important. Not only is it a way to ease hardship for others, but it also benefits the giver in this life and on the Day of Judgment.

There are a variety of ways to give sadaqah, including donating money to a fund or charity project, providing food, helping someone in need, and so on. The most important thing to remember is that it must be done with good intentions, and even something as simple as smiling at a stranger can count as a charitable act if the intention is right.

The Qur’an and Hadith speak often of the importance of charitable deeds, emphasizing that they earn a person a great reward both in this life and the next. As such, when deciding what type of sadaqah to perform, it’s wise to choose something that will benefit the recipient and earn you reward for your kindness.

One option is to donate towards projects that address the need for clean, safe water. Millions of people globally lack access to clean water, and the simple act of building a well can make an incredible difference. Another great form of sadaqah is planting olive trees, which will benefit communities for years to come.

When you donate through Bonyan, your Sadaqah goes towards projects that bring comfort and relief to families facing adversity this Ramadan and beyond. You can contribute to projects that support vital initiatives like providing food, clean water, and Ramadan baskets to families in need. Your gift will help lift spirits, and be a source of encouragement to families that are struggling with war, hunger, and displacement.